Monthly Archive: January 2017

Paystack Payment Gateway Addon for XYZ Admarket released

Paystack Payment Gateway Addon for XYZ Admarket released

We are excited to announce the release of our new addon – Paystack Payment Gateway for XYZ Admarket Paystack payment gateway addon for XYZ Admarket helps Nigerian admarkets to accept online payments of advertisers... – Bitcoin Payment Gateway Addon for XYZ Admarket released – Bitcoin Payment Gateway Addon for XYZ Admarket released

We are excited to announce the release of our new addon – – Bitcoin Payment Gateway for XYZ Admarket is a Bitcoin Payment Gateway which allows you to make BTC transfers between...

XYZ Admarket – PHP Script – Standard edition update v 2.2.4

XYZ Admarket – PHP Script – Standard edition update v 2.2.4

Hi All, We have released a new version of XYZ Admarket-PHP Script Standard edition. The new version is 2.2.4 This version contains the following new features. Added compatibility with ‘Gourl Bitcoin Payment Gateway’ addon A...