Category: Insert HTML Snippet

Insert HTML Snippet updated – v 1.1.1

Insert HTML Snippet updated – v 1.1.1

Hi All, We have released a new version of  Insert HTML Snippet plugin. The new  version is 1.1.1 This version contains the following update. Added compatibility with WordPress 3.9 Please contact us for any suggestions or issues....

Insert HTML Snippet updated – v 1.1

Insert HTML Snippet updated – v 1.1

Hi All, We have released a new version of  Insert HTML Snippet plugin. The new  version is 1.1 This version contains the following features. Support for shortcodes in html content Snippet chooser TinyMCE plugin modified...

Insert HTML Snippet updated – v 1.0.1

Insert HTML Snippet updated – v 1.0.1

Hi All, We have released a new version of  Insert HTML Snippet plugin. The new  version is 1.0.1 This version contains the following features. Support for network installation Pagination bug fix Please contact us for any suggestions...

Insert HTML Snippet V 1.0 – A WordPress Plugin Released 0

Insert HTML Snippet V 1.0 – A WordPress Plugin Released

We have released a new wordpress plugin – Insert HTML Snippet V 1.0 on Aug 16th 2012. The Insert HTML Snippet plugin allows you to add HTML, CSS and javascript code to your pages...